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PowerPoint Live



So what is PowerPoint Live? It's an annual event held in the USA every fall. All sorts of people use PowerPoint to create presentations of every imaginable type -- PowerPoint Live is where all these people get together to learn more and share ideas. If that is all that PowerPoint Live did, I would still make sure I was there every year. But it's so much more.

You'll find detailed information on the PowerPoint Live site.

How Does This Happen?

Rick Altman has been holding events like these since anyone can remember -- and he is the spirit that motivates PowerPoint Live each year. Rick never stops trying to make each event outdo the other -- in fact, you'll find him in San Diego many days before the event making sure that everything is just perfect. And then Rick jokes that coming to San Diego is his vacation!

He is being doing this for the past three years -- and I've been there each time, amazed at how far Rick can go to make sure that all conference patrons are the happiest people in San Diego.

So who helps Rick put up an event like this, year after year? First, he has an entire team of talented PowerPoint trainers and experts who help him build a full schedule of workshops and seminars. And then there's the excellent Help Center where patrons can bring their own presentations and find solutions to PowerPoint problems they have faced for years. I should know -- I have been part of this help desk for so long. Just come and find me there!

And then there are the giveaways. And the wonderful Expo. And the parties. And after-dinner conversations. OK -- maybe I'm giving away too much.

Who Goes There?

All sorts of PowerPoint users and presentation professionals go there. As do all sorts of PowerPoint creators and professionals -- book authors, MVPs (Microsoft's Most Valuable Professionals), Microsoft folks, vendors of PowerPoint companion products and presentation hardware, professional speakers, and just anyone who has been for one of these conferences and wants to come again.

User Comments

When I told Rick that I was writing this article and wanted some testimonials, he sent me a huge list he has accumulated over the years and a spreadsheet filled with email addresses of people I could contact and verify. No -- I won't list all those testimonials here but here are a few:

Can't tell you how much I enjoyed PowerPoint Live. Without hesitation I tell you that it was the best, most engaging, most entertaining, most useful conference that I have ever attended. And at my great age, that is saying a lot. I'm going to go to PowerPoint Live 2006 edition even if I have to pay for it myself.
- Rick Martin

The event was spectacular. I think you've outdone last year's event and then some. The food was fabulous. The extracurriculars were engaging. The people were superb. If I may appear a little unmanly for a moment. I got HUGS at this conference! I have never gotten hugs at any event in my life. People knew my name. I smiled much more than in the past. I talked to more people (and listened to more) than before. People I admire, respect, and in general are envious of, know me. I have a couple of people in my mind who have even become friends. Perhaps they are the best conference take-away after all.
- Rikk Flohr

PowerPoint Live '05 delivered so much more than I expected. The mix of experts was a perfect blend. I picked up some tools and concepts that I've already put to use with great effect back home. Best of all, I feel connected to a community of creative professionals - who happen to be some of the nicest people!
- Holly Rogers

You and your team did an exceptional job, and it was the most organized educational event I have ever attended. It far exceeded my best expectations, and I learned a lot. I look forward to coming back again next year.
- Lance Robert

You create an amazing environment for the attendees that balances fun and broad spectrum education. I had a number of attendees from past years rave about this year's conference as just getting "better and better". I don't know how you do it!
- Jim Endicott

Thanks for pulling together a fantastic show. The relationships I've built are becoming priceless.
- Nancy Duarte

The conference was a blast all the way around... probably the most inspiring AND useful event I've attended in 30 years of graphic designing. My creative juices are overflowing -- maybe you should give away towels instead of T-shirts!
- Martha Miller


Registration at PowerPoint Live 2006 is $825, with a discount of $30 for those who register before July 1. You can register here, or you can hold your seat with a signed company purchase order or a credit card used as a guarantee.

More Info

If you have a question, do not hesitate -- and he'll certainly respond. And I'm going to be there this September at PowerPoint Live and look forward to seeing you there!

PowerPoint Live

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