Choose any of these categories to download from the presentation bank.
Bucket diagrams are so expressive, useful, and direct in the message they provide. Yes, these diagrams have everything to do with buckets and the money they contain. While the buckets themselves represent a source or destination, the money represents the financial liquidity. Buckets show items in distribution, they represent the flow of things or display collections of items. An empty bucket can indicate the capacity to which it can be filled. A bucket pouring money in another could represent the distribution. You can have buckets that are full, empty, or somewhat full. And you can move the money from one bucket to another!
Bucket diagrams are so expressive, useful, and direct in the message they provide. Yes, these diagrams have everything to do with buckets and the water they contain. While the buckets themselves represent a source or destination, the water represents the financial liquidity.
Download and use these graphics to create your own bucket diagrams.
You’ve all seen matrix diagrams – and these make it possible for you to explain related and dependent concepts. However, we decided to look at the matrix diagram from another perspective and found something similar in a fortune teller origami!
These Relationship Charts are already in place – you just need to change or add pictures of the people within your chart! You will quickly create relationship charts that are linked and intuitive!
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